I’ve been remembering my Grandmother Ethel lately. Actually, since the news of this virus began.

I’ve been thinking about her because I can remember how in a crisis she was always so steady. Grandma Ethel was the calmest person I knew when the shit hit the fan.

In her almost 99 years walking this earth (Grandma passed exactly one month before she turned 99) she had lived through many crises. The Depression, Scarlett fever, WWI, Spanish flu, disco. (Had to put a little humor in this). I’m not sure how she handled those crises because obviously I wasn’t around, well I was for disco. What I do know is that the crises that arose when I was around, she handled with a steadiness and confidence that calmed our family.

Grandma Ethel is the woman perched atop the lion. Fearless.

During each crisis, Grandma Ethel stayed well informed about what was happening, but didn’t let the news shake her. She just kept moving forward. Taking care of what needed to be done and she stood strong in knowing that, “this too shall pass.” And it always did.

I’ve decided to follow her lead during this crisis. This too shall pass. I’ll keep moving forward.

What I refuse to do is to be a slave to the news. I’ll keep informed, of course but I won’t let it enslave me.

So far, in the last few days, I’ve been enjoying the slower pace of life. Breathing the fresh outdoor air and of course, watching movies & television shows I haven’t seen in years. (Dawson’s Creek, anyone?)

I’ve also been texting with my mother and sending her links to funny videos. We are going to work on communicating over FaceTime soon, too, since her retirement community is on lockdown for all of the residents’ protection.

Steady. Calm. Focused forward. This too shall pass.

đź’—Coach Wendy

P.S.  If you are looking for community and connection during this time, I invite you to join my private FB group Life-On Purpose.  

This is a community of individuals who are seeking to live their lives authentically and purposefully.  Join us!


  1. I love how Grandma Ethel is still supporting you with her calmness and wisdom, and now supporting us, too.

    Thank you for sharing your memory of her with us and for infusing some humor — it truly is a much needed medicine.



  2. I am so glad you shared this. I’m glad my grandmother isn’t here to deal with this but I wish she was here for what you just shared. Words of wisdom and their unconditional love during this time we never thought we would see.

    To our future. May we leave behind what Grandma Ethel and all other grandparents have left for us.



  3. How great. Strength is such a great bonder and calmer of family and community. Talking to my friends in England showed me how they bond together because of the history of wars over there-the strength in individuals and communities is amazing. I am so glad she was such a role model and can pass her strength forward to you.



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